Scripts y Set de Datos

Análisis SIMPER basado en índice de Simpson

Gutow, L., Beermannb,. J, Buschbaumc, C., Rivadeneira, M.M. & M Thiel (2015) Castaways can’t be choosers-Homogenization of rafting assemblages on floating seaweeds. Journal of Sea Research, 95, 161–171

Código R

Base de datos de rasgos de forrajeo de mamíferos y aves de mundo

Wilman, H., Belmaker, J., Simpson, J., de La Rosa, C., Rivadeneira, M.M. & Jetz, W. (2014). EltonTraits 1.0: Species-level foraging attributes of the world’s birds and mammals. Ecology 95 (7), 2027-2027

Estimación de intervalos de confianza del tiempo de extinción

Rivadeneira MM, Hunt E & Roy K. (2014) The use of sighting records to infer species extinctions: reply. Ecology, 95 (1):238-239

Rivadeneira MM, Hunt E & Roy K. 2009. The use of sighting records to infer species extinctions: an evaluation of different methods. Ecology. 90: 1291–1300.

Visual Basic Macro en Excel

 Evaluación de la hipótesis del centro de abundancia

Fenberg, P. & Rivadeneira, M.M. (2011) Range limits and geographic patterns of abundance of the rocky intertidal owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. Journal of Biogeography: 38, 2286–2298

Rivadeneira M.M., Hernáez P, Baeza A, Boltaña S, Cifuentes M, Correa C, Cuevas A, del Valle E, Hinojosa I, Ulrich N, Valdivia N, Vásquez N, Zander A & Thiel M. (2010) Testing the abundant-center hypothesis using intertidal porcelain crabs along the Chilean coast: linking abundance and distribution to life history variation. Journal of Biogeography. 37: 486-498.

Codigo R

 Bivalvos fósiles del Cuaternario del norte de Chile

Rivadeneira, M.M (2010) On the completeness and fidelity of the Quaternary bivalve fossil record from the temperate Pacific coast of South America. Palaios, 25, 38-43

Apéndice #1

Apéndice #2

Bivalvos fósiles del Plioceno del Pacífico temperado de Sudamérica

Rivadeneira, M.M. & P.A. Marquet (2007) Selectivity patterns during a late Neogene bivalve extinction in the temperate Pacific coast of South America. Paleobiology, 33, 455-468

Apéndice #1

Apéndice #2